Tuesday 26 January 2010

Main Coursework - Photos

For my magazine i took a wide range of different photo's . I made lots of differnt choices when deciding the mise-en-scene to create the final imgaes. In the end for the picture on the front cover of my magazine, i chose to go for a more homely feel for the girlband to have the pictures taken, i came to this decision as i feel it connects more to the audience and makes them feel more like the people they idolise. When it came to deciding what they shoudl wear in the images i went for a party, dressed up look with nice clothes, make up and nice hair i feel this works well as young teenage girls are intrested in make up, nice clothes and having there hair done. I think the elements included in the picture connects to the genre of the magazine as it includes girly thinks and lots of bright colours which ties in with the main theme of the magazine. I also used many other pictures throughout my magzine, on the front cover i used a picuture of 'Josh Hillman' i think this works well as young girls are intrested in him and staright away on the front cover you can see he is on it and will make people want to buy the magazine. I then used a picture of some make up and accesories this also attracts the target audience and appeals to them as its what they want to be reading about.

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