Monday 25 January 2010

Main Coursework - Flat plans

This post includes the images of my flatplans.
This was my first idea for my front cover. I have used bright and feminine colours which conforms conventions of existing magazines. My masthead uses the font I orgianlly talked about it is bright , bold, and fun which attracts the target audiunce which appeals to a younger group of people.
My main sell is about the 'Candy Girls' which is a girl band I have invented, which is also the main image on the front cover of my magazine. I have used other sells such as top ten beauty secrets and and inside article with ' josh hillman' the the boyband heartrob, these all tie in with the theme of the magazine which appeals to the teenage girl audience.
I have used persuasive language and standout words on my magazine cover to, dramatise the stories and make the audience want to keep on reading.
For my contents page i used a big bold mast head to clearly state it is the contents page and so the audience can clearly find what there looking for without to much reading.My contents page includes a film strip of images which gives it a more fun exciting feel to it. The images in the film strip are labelled with numbers so they reader can easily find what they are looking without to much reading. The contents page of my magazine includes and editorial note from the editor of the magazine, this makes the reader feel more connected to the people writing the magazine. I have used a range of images and bright colours on my contents page to keep the on going theme of pop fun!
My design for the double page spread is all about ' Josh Hillman'. I again use bright colours and images of ' love hearts' to connect to the audience reading the magazine and give it a more personal feel using words like ' you ' this makes a connection to the reader as if 'josh hillman' is personal to them. I have the main masthead which is in large bold text so you see what its about staright away. I have a large range of images surrounding the main body texts. I also use pull quotes surrounding the texts which makes people read that and the go on to read more.

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