Tuesday 2 March 2010

Evaluation of finished magazine

The post includes all images of my final magazine design.
My magazine uses many different conventions of what a real magazine would use. My magazine is similar to exisiting publications for example i have the mast head at the top of the page on the front , this usually always used when a magazine is created, this keeps the realism and also is dont for the reader and they like the similarities and know where to look straight away. Also like other magazines my front cover has one main picture, which then goes on to be the main story in the magazine. The picture is used is of a girl band , they would be very popular with the target audience reading my magazine. How ever the ways in which i have made my magazine to differ from others to stand out include, the style of text, the use of images on the front cover which may all appeal to a wider range of people.

My magazine represents a particular social group. You can see this straight away by looking at it, for example my use of bright colours especially more girly colours show you it is quite a girly magazine. The images are the main thing to look at on my front cover and the language is quite basic and simple, this i because my target audience are genreally of a younger age of about 11- 15 therefor i have kept it simple and fun.
I Looked at a few different publishers to see what my magazine would be part of. http://www.emap.com/ This is the website for the publishers of Smash hits magazine as this magazine is within the same genre as mine i thought it would be a suitable publisher. My magzine would be sold in most places, gor example genral shops like news agents, super markets and local shops. It has quite a large target audience and for this reason is not sold specificly in just some shops.

This is a link to my blog where i earlier spoke about target audience. My magzine is targeted mostly at teenage girls. My magzine works and fits in with this idea well. I used a large use of bright colours and images to attract the target audience. I think there is quite a few aspects of my magazine that will appeal to the target audience. For example as i earlier spoke about the use of language through out my magazine is kept simple and fun. This attracts the reader as it is not too much reader and the language used also makes the reader feel they have a personal connection to the magazine.