Tuesday 3 November 2009

Main Coursework- Target audience

I researched the target audience for Top of The Pops magazine. The results show:

62 000 people in ABC 1 class read the magazine, 107 000 people in C2DE class read it, 139 000 people aged 15 -44 read it, 30 0o0 of over 45 year olds read the magazine. The total amount of men that read the magazie is 47 000 and the total amount of women that read it is 122 000. The overall total amount of people reading the magazine is 169 000. I found this information from the website www.nrs.co.uk
These results show us a wide range of different people are intrested in Pop music which tells us it has a large target audience.
Smash Hits magazine was published fortnightly by EMAP. When you look at the front cover of the magazine, the viewer can immediately recognise that the magazine is aimed mainly at females. This is due to its denotations and connotations.
The representation of the magazine is that it is made to look fun and interesting by its bright, bold colours, fonts and images. The audience for Smash Hits is quite mainstream because it appeals to most young teenage females. The specific targeting could be identified by the masthead of Smash Hits because it is bright pink which symbolises that is made for females.
These results show us a wide range of different people are intrested in Pop music which tells us it has a large target audience. This information tells us the magazine is predomently a downgraded publication , read by a younger audience who are mostly females.

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