Wednesday 21 October 2009


I think my finished magazine cover has been quite successful, i think i reached the aim i was looking for. I am please with the use of colour and images. However when it completed it, coloured lines appeared over the image, i don't know where they came from but i will make sure this does not happen when completing my music magazine.

I am pleased with the layout of my contents page but i feel i should have used a wider range of colours.

Over all i think it does appeal to my target audience. I asked a few people within the target audience and they said they would pick the magazine , however with maybe more images and colour to attract them to pick it in the first place.

Flat plans

For my magazine i have chosen a large bold font this is so that it stands out in front of the main image. On the front cover i have included a main bold masthead, i have three main sells including things going on at the college, and then other important information like the date, issue number, tag line, price and bar code. I think the design layout will appeal to my target audience because it is aimed at students and i have used bright colors and a big image.

In the contents page i have included images and links to things on the cover of the magazine. I included a main title pointing out that it is the contents and the month of the issue. Also there was a use of bright colors and images to again attract to my target audience.

Tuesday 20 October 2009


I have chosen this picture for the front cover of my magazine, as it shows the look of a typical student at the college. The colours are not to dull but do not take away the attention of the writing on the page so i feel it works well as a front cover image. Also it a mid close up shot which is what i was aiming to have as my main image.

This picture could have worked fro the same reasons as above, because of the colours. However it was not chosen for the cover of my magazine as it was not a medium close up.

Tuesday 6 October 2009


I am creating a college magazine targeted at students. The magazine will be about things like freshers party, college trips and sporting events. The target audience will be to all students.