Wednesday 24 February 2010

Main coursework- Planning & evaluation of the article

This is an example of an article from my chosen genre of magazine. It is in the form of an interview which is the same as the article i have used in my magazine. As the target audience for this magazine is of younger age the language used is not very complex and uses words that will engage the reader and make them feel like they are actually friends with the person that is being interviewd. Like my magazine girls are the main target audience so uses bright collours like pink and really enagages in what appeals to a girl for example when interviewing a boy making it feel personal to the girl like the star really likes them.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Main coursework - Photo editing

I didnt know whether or not to edit my photo's so i did a few few things on photoshop to what looked best. I removed the background and change it to the same colour as my magazine page to make it blend in and see what looked better. I used Adobe photoshop to do this.Then I used the magnetic lassoo tool to detect the edge of the photos. I then copied the cutout of my characters onto a new document. I then filled in the background with the colour that was going to match the background of my page. I didnt really do much editing which any of my other pictures.